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Chinese translation for "lattice window"


Related Translations:
lattice:  n.1.格子。2.【物理学】点阵;网络。3.【建筑】格构。短语和例子crystal lattice 晶体;【物理学】点阵,晶格。 a lattice frame 格子框架。vt.1.把…制成格子状。2.用格子覆盖[装饰]。
lattice bridge:  格构桥。
space lattice:  【物理学】空间晶格[点阵]。
lattice points:  格点,网点。
lattice network:  X 形(电)网络。
red lattice:  〔古语〕红格子〔有执照的酒馆的标识〕;〔转义〕酒馆。
lattice girder:  格构大梁,花格大梁。
lattice work:  n.1.格子。2.格子细工,格子花样。
lattice tower:  【无线电】(支持天线的)格架塔。
windows:  n.〔商标〕【计算机】视窗。 Windows 98 视窗98。
Example Sentences:
1.It was gerty who turned off the gas at the main every night and it was gerty who tacked up on the wall of that place where she never forgot every fortnight the chlorate of lime mr tunney the grocer s christmas almanac the picture of halcyon days where a young gentleman in the costume they used to wear then with a threecornered hat was offering a bunch of flowers to his ladylove with oldtime chivalry through her lattice window
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